Manufacturers Supply Chain Statement

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act requires that retailers and manufacturers disclose efforts to eliminate human trafficking and slavery in supply chains. As a Subaru retailer, we fully support the promotion of human rights and rely on our franchiser to regulate their supply chain before their products reach our stores. As a result, we do not:

  • Require verification activities to identify, assess, and manage the risks of human trafficking in our product supply chain;
  • Audit suppliers in evaluating compliance with the company’s standards for trafficking and slavery in our supply chains;
  • Require our direct suppliers to make certifications regarding that the materials in products comply with laws regarding human trafficking and slavery;
  • Have internal procedures for determining whether employees or contractors are complying with company standards regarding slavery and human rights;
  • Engage with specified training regarding human trafficking and slavery and mitigating risk within the supply chain.

For more information regarding Subaru’s supply chain management, please review their statement here.